Saturday marked Day One on snow for the 2010 Winterstart World Cup as Darrell, Jim, Mike, Craig and Dan made the trek to Lake Louise to check in on snowmaking, cats and all the great work of The Net Monkeys.
While things may look a little rough around the edges snow wise things are progressing well so far. The shots from the webcams may look sparse but one has to remember that it is only November 8th. As Darrell so aptly put Saturday morning, "I have been standing on grass more than a few times on the same date."
Craig, Jim and Darrell - givin' their best Don Cherry
After a brief meeting in The Jury Room with Doug Savage The Team loaded up The Glacier Chair at 9am in there best Saskatchewan Ski outfits. Following a hike up to Platter Base The Crew successfully skied down to the Top of Fallaway!
Of note, The Resort opened Glacier Chair and the Wiwaxy 500 on Friday morning. It is just 4 widths wide in a couple of places!
Upper WiwaxyDan surveys Fish Net
The long range forecast for the next two weeks calls for daytime highs hovering just below the freezing mark and lows in the -7°C range. With Randy and the Crew having all A Nets hanging and the weather looking good the arrival of the first volunteers this weekend is perfect timing. See you there!
Meeting of the minds at Net 2B: Mark, Jim, Dan, Mike, Darrell